Author Archives: hostagent
Do Misting Fans Cool Better Than Conventional Fans?
Do you know that there are various types of electric fans and that they can do a lot more things than just cool the temperature? Electric fans circulate the air and with its blades always in motion, it maintains a fresh breeze and keeps humidity in check. Fans add ventilation and prevent the people from […]
How Misting Systems Keep Your Phoenix Patio Cool
The thought of summer coming soon in its above average temperature may scare you as it cuts you from the fun of enjoying the warm season. Though this may be true, there are always solutions to every issue. If you have a space at home that becomes unused during summer due to the scorching heat […]
Misting and Humidity
An effective and efficient way to cool down any given area, even in high humidity climates, is through misting. There are different kinds of misting systems: low pressure, medium pressure and high-pressure misting systems. Low pressure. They work best around pools, vegetation, and landscaping. Low pressure misting regulates humidity levels in plants, trees, flowers and […]
Misting Systems and Pets
As summer approaches, our tendency is to look for ways to escape the heat and to get everybody, pet included, sweat free. To protect our beloved pets, we must always think of ways to keep them cool or in shaded areas. Here are some handy pet care tips: Remember that small pets are more sensitive […]
Misting System Maintenance
It is always important to know the proper care and maintenance of our appliances and electronic devices to prolong their life. Knowing how to take care of them also gives you a better chance of getting the best use out of them. The responsibility of caring for them is placed unto you the moment you […]
Misting Systems for Summer
Now with the issue of climate change, the heat of the sun can be too much. Being out under the sun is really draining, and you can’t just stay outdoors for quite long. But summer is the time for beautiful beaches, hyper sports activities, exciting land travels, and many other activities that require you to […]
Do Misting Systems Conserve Water?
Studies show that the remaining freshwater in the entire earth is now just at 3%. In the United States, the U.S. Geological Survey in their study entitled “Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000,” found out that at least 408 billion gallons of water every single day were used by Americans. Every […]
How to Maintain Your Misting System
As with any other electrical equipment or appliance, one of the most important factors for lengthening its useful life is proper maintenance. While your provider can conduct regular service checks, it is still part of your responsibility as the end-user to check your misting system from time to time to ensure that it is in […]
Why You Should Add a Misting System to your Pool Area
You may have heard of these high-tech systems that work by releasing extremely tiny water droplets in the surroundings that instantly vaporize in order to cool down the area. Or maybe you have already seen one in action when you were staying at a resort, walking around a zoo, or watching a sporting event on […]
The Difference Between Low Pressure and High Pressure Misting
Have you finally made up your mind to set up a misting system for your home, your workplace, or your farm? Good for you. A misting system is much more flexible than a conventional air conditioning system, aside from its added benefits as an insect and dust deterrent. It also requires less maintenance than an […]