What is Privacy Screen Misting?
Traveling to a crowded place during the holidays? While you won’t be able to build physical walls around you to mark your private space, you can do so with privacy screen misting. Anyhow, most tourist destinations are equipped with this nowadays.
So, what actually is privacy screen misting? This is a unique way of adding fog or mist effects to outdoor areas, more commonly on water facilities, gardens, grottos and paved sidewalks. The addition of fog is gradual in the beginning, but gives good coverage throughout the ‘misting’ period. There are different mist calibrations depending on the venue, but the idea is to get just enough pressure for maximum (as private as possible) coverage.
Privacy screen misting systems are built in such a way that they can be adjusted relative to an establishment. They can be used in newly constructed landscapes and even in old buildings. Installation of a temporary misting device is very quick and easy—it just needs to sit on the ground. It is not directly attached to a physical object, so it’s easy to move around. For permanent fixtures, the tubing can stay underground or attached to concrete surfaces so as not to disrupt the visual features of the place. Minimum visibility adds on to the mood and helps you avoid the illusion from being ruined by the obvious presence of sprayers.
Similar to other misting or smokescreen systems, privacy misting is based on the process of breaking down water droplets to atomic sizes, making them easy to evaporate. Extremely high-pressure nozzles force water out, which creates a fog like effect that does not just provide privacy but also cools the surrounding air.
The use of privacy screen misting is very common in vacation places such as hotels and resorts, but it’s also becoming more and more popular in high-end villages, specifically for gardens and swimming pools. It is commonly used when holding pool parties as the mist adds a unique exotic vibe to a plain pool. Add to this the fact that it keeps people refreshed even if they are not under water.
For gardens, misting gives off a lush appearance and makes your plants appear verdant and healthy. It also sets the tone for a relaxing afternoon tea time.
A privacy misting kit is often integrated into the owner’s home automation system, and can be switched on and off using multiple devices including smartphones and tablets. The mist settings can be controlled either to create simulate fog around large bodies of water, or a dramatic privacy smokescreen—much like a fence when you feel like being along outside.
Apart from the usual places, it is also used increasingly in kids playgrounds and recreational areas. The cool atmosphere it creates is conducive to outdoor bonding and also brings out natural art from the existing landscape.