How Do Misting Systems Control Mosquitos?
Let’s talk about something a little different this week. Misting systems can be used for more than just keeping you cool and while Luxe Outdoor Environments does not provide this service, it’s still interesting to learn how the same technology is utilized for different needs.
A lot of homeowners nowadays are recognizing the use of outdoor misting systems for mosquito control. More popularly known as mosquito misters, these specialized systems attack insects by spraying pesticides in the form of fine mist. First introduced for use in places with a large concentration of insects, such as livestock barns and boat docks, now it home use has been made legal.
As with other misting systems, pesticide misting systems have sprayers usually attached to the perimeter fence, walls and lawns of a house. These sprayers are attached to a pesticide supply and connected through a single tube line. Depending on the manufacturer, the system can be switched on at set intervals using a timer feature. Others can be linked to the owner’s home automation system and can be switched on with a remote control, or a default switch.
Pesticide regulations vary per territory, so it is best to check with your local regulatory board before installing your own system. Nonetheless, the common active ingredient can either be permethrin, piperonyl butoxide or pyrethrin. This can be checked on the container label of the pesticide recommended by your contractor. As general rule, always read the label first as proper handling, applications and precautionary measures are all discussed here.
Efficiency of pesticide misting systems
Outdoor misting systems are proven effective in controlling insects around a home, but this is primarily due to the active ingredient used. Health agencies recommend a more integrated approach to combating mosquitoes. This means, apart from a misting system, it is best to check on places where stagnant water might be present. Insects, particularly mosquitoes, breed in water, so it makes perfect sense to eliminate water in places that provide a habitat from them. For instance, take a look at empty tires, plant pot saucers and outdoor jars, among others.
It is not recommended to install a pesticide misting system on your own. Seek the help of a licensed service technician who will take liability for any error, to ensure that processes are properly followed. The system should be calibrated prior to installation—it should only be given the maximum allowable pesticide application level as reflected in the label.
In terms of placement, make sure that the sprayers are directed away from and NOT towards dining and recreational areas. Also keep it away from your pets, if any. To avoid accidental exposure to humans, it will be good to add motion sensors.
Keep the pesticide supply away from children and locked at all times to avoid potential poisoning.
It is recommended to activate your system only when insects are most active—early morning or late night, for instance. Refrain from using it in times of typhoons or strong winds as pesticide particles can easily be diverted. Mosquitoes are not also very active during these times anyway.
Lastly and more importantly, have your system checked regularly for maintenance as it can potentially leak or malfunction especially after prolonged use.
For more information about Mosquito Misting Systems check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s website HERE.