How to Maintain Your Misting System
As with any other electrical equipment or appliance, one of the most important factors for lengthening its useful life is proper maintenance. While your provider can conduct regular service checks, it is still part of your responsibility as the end-user to check your misting system from time to time to ensure that it is in… View ArticleWhy You Should Add a Misting System to your Pool Area
You may have heard of these high-tech systems that work by releasing extremely tiny water droplets in the surroundings that instantly vaporize in order to cool down the area. Or maybe you have already seen one in action when you were staying at a resort, walking around a zoo, or watching a sporting event on… View ArticleThe Difference Between Low Pressure and High Pressure Misting
Have you finally made up your mind to set up a misting system for your home, your workplace, or your farm? Good for you. A misting system is much more flexible than a conventional air conditioning system, aside from its added benefits as an insect and dust deterrent. It also requires less maintenance than an… View ArticleThe Benefits of a Misting System
During the summer one of the things that people think a lot about is how to stay cool. Not in the fashion sense cool or the attitude-wise cool, but literally cool. High temperatures can make people uncomfortable and very irritable, not to mention sweaty and stinky. In too much heat you can even faint or… View ArticleCONTACT US FOR SERVICE