How a Phoenix Misting System Conserves Water
Having a misting system running on your gazebo or patio is certainly a very practical activity that allows you to beat the heat and conserve on electricity. Another advantage that these systems have is they do not consume a lot of water as other people might believe. It is a true fact that water misting systems do utilize a certain amount of water in order to function. The amount that they consume is not at all alarming to the point that your monthly water bill will increase dramatically each month. Water misting systems conserve water in many ways such as:
Water Misting Systems have Adjustable Controls
One of water conservation feature that most misting systems have is an easy-to-use adjust function where you can control the water pressure being utilized by the system. This works to minimize or maximize the amount of water gathered by the system’s water pump. When you minimize the water level in your misting system, this consumes very small amounts of water per pump, thereby, saving on water consumption.
Water Misting System Nozzles have Additional Adjust Functions
Aside from Misting Systems having adjustable controls, even the nozzles that are available have easy adjustable features. Adjusting the nozzle controls the amount of water released into the air, therefore, if you adjust the nozzle to the very minimum, the water system will release small amounts of water, which should help in conserving water.
Water Misting Systems Use Recycled Water
Another water saving feature that misting systems have is they are equally capable of using recycled water to convert into mist. Recycled water comes in many forms but if you really want to spend nothing, leave out a few water buckets when it rains in your area. After the rain, you can keep those water buckets for the next time that you use your misting system. If you have conserved enough water buckets, your next few misting system usages will cost zero on your water bill.
Proper Water Misting Installation Conserves a Lot of Water
When you have a misting system installed in your home or place of business, the service that installs them are experienced individuals who do not simply install the system. Prior to installation, the team of individuals will inspect your home for any problems with plumbing. They check all water faucets and ensure that your water is running perfectly before they install the system. This ensures that you do not waste water while your misting system is running.
Water Saving Tips to Practice While Using a Misting System
If you wish to conserve more water while using a misting system at home, you may want to do the following activity:
Reduce how long you take showers
Close all faucets while you brush your teeth
Ensure that your water pipes do not have any leaks
Always store water in a water basket for future use
Fill your water sink and turn off the water when applying facial products